Thursday, 18 January 2024

Adventures in Asia: Aqaba, Jordan

From Wadi Rum we drove today to the Red Sea coast city of Aqaba. The drive was quite something as you descend almost 1,600 metres through gorgeous scenery. Once in Aqaba, we ate some lunch on a patio, and then checked into a hotel downtown. I fueled up the rental car and returned it, because tomorrow we are leaving Jordan for Egypt by ferry. At one time the ferry to Sinai left from the yacht club, which is close to our hotel, but I began to realize this may have changed, so I spent some time trying to confirm where we catch the ferry tomorrow morning. But, we also enjoyed the waterfront, first along Al-Ghandour Beach, where locals had gathered to enjoy the gorgeous evening . . .

. . . and then at the bar of the luxury Kempinski Hotel to watch the sunset. In the photos below I am looking west, into the Gulf of Aqaba and into Eilat in Israel and the Sinai mountains of Egypt beyond that. 

We really liked our relaxed afternoon and evening in Aqaba, and it had especially fun energy into the evening and we ate dinner outside again nearby on An-Nahdah Street, which was particularly bumping. 

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